Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Make Time for Pley

*This is a sponsored post, I have been compensated for my time to bring this information to you.  There are also affiliate links, through which, if you make a purchase I will make a small amount.


  • Do your kids have so many toys you wish you could sometimes just get rid of them and yet they're still bored? 
  •  Do you have a toy rotation system?  
  • Do you spend more on toys just so they will have something new?

I could answer yes to all of the above and it drives me crazy!  New is always more interesting, but also more expensive and ultimately pretty wasteful.  So in the last month I've heard of a new company called Pley that I'm pretty excited about.

What is Pley? 

Pley is a toy rental company with over 400 educational toys, a vast majority of them building toys like Lego sets, K'nex, and others.  They even have Duplos for smaller hands.

For a set fee (about the price of one average size Lego set every month) you get unlimited rentals and so many sets to choose from!  Shipping both to you and back is included and there's no limit on how many sets you can get in a month. Well, other than shipping speed.

Introducing New Star Wars LEGO Sets from Pley

I know my boys have plenty of Legos to create with on their own (see above), but they love to get new sets.  Yet, once the set is made it is taken apart, the directions lost, and it's never created the same again.  This would allow them to build all kinds of new sets without breaking my toy budget.  And yes, Pley understands that Lego pieces are small and a few might get lost and you aren't charged for them.

New toys for the kids, less mess for me to worry about, and no need for me to find a place to store them. I like the sound of it!

Bonus, if you're worried about sharing germs, especially in the winter months (ick!) all toys are sanitized before they are sent out to new families to play with.

Give the Gift of Unlimited Toy Rental

Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles, Pley also offers gift subscriptions and even gift certificates so parents can start the subscription when they need it rather than right at Christmas or a birthday when there are new toys already.

What do you think? Would this kind of service be useful to you?

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