Thursday, April 04, 2013

Welcome to my Blog!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

My friend Heidi took this picture of me the other day and I think it sums me up just about perfectly... I'm always the one behind the camera!  If you want the rest of the nitty gritty you can read my About Me page.

I've been doing this blogging thing for over 7 years now and just cracked 1000 posts.  I guess you might call me an old-timer!

We are just wrapping up Birthday Season as my four children just turned 6, 3, and 1 respectively... oh, actually I have two one year olds, we got a bonus!

Even though my blog is called Welcome to Married Life, since I'm a stay at home mom, most of it is centered around my children with the odd product review/giveaway thrown in.  And books, I'm a certified bookworm!

My number one hobby though is photography and while most of my photos are of my children eventually I'd like to make it more than a hobby.  You know, in all my free time!

So happy to meet you and if you'd like to stay in the loop please hop on over and like my page on facebook or join me on twitter.

Please leave a comment so I can visit your online home.

Happy Blog Partying!


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    It's great to "meet" you. I am a bookworm too. How fun that you have twins. I have an identical twin sister; being a twin is one of the greatest blessings in my life.

  2. I have twin sisters - so much fun.

    I am a bookworm as well. I could spend my days reading if my kids would let me!

    I came over from UBP.

  3. I love your family photo! And you are too adorable to be called an "old timer". Gonna find you on twitter now.

  4. Here from UPB. Love the photo of you! Story of my life...always the one behind the camera. :)

  5. Congrats on your 1000th post! Following from UBP. You have a beautiful blog!

  6. I found you from UBP. I'm also a bookworm and I have twins. Mine are older than yours, but not by much!

  7. I'm the one behind the camera too ;) It's a great place to be, I think.

  8. Hello there! (waving) I'm a fellow bookworm who likes to be behind a camera as well. Lovely to meet you!

  9. Sounds like we have some things in common! Looking forward to reading more. Thought I'd stop in and show a little love by dropping a comment. I'm surfing on over from the UBP! Party on! ::: Tossing Confetti :::

  10. hi there - stopping by from UBP13. I'm always the one behind the camera too :)

  11. Hello, it is a Pleasure to meet you. I am jealous as you have the camera I would like to have. Have a nice week.

  12. Every Child Portrait Photographer I have ever met started out shooting their own kids. It's a natural progression. I started with my kids, then the neighbors, then my daughter started cheering at school, so I got those too. My boyfriend's son races motocross so I shoot those too. And now I'm doing senior sessions, prom sessions, yearbook photos, most school functions. One thing leads to another. Good Luck!

    I'm here from #UBP13 and your kids are adorable.

  13. Visiting from the UBP and stopping for a minute to link up and say HI!

  14. Happy UBP13 :-). I'm a new blogger and loving this chance to 'meet' other bloggers and discover blogs I haven't seen before :-)
    I LOVE reading - don't have as much time as I used to for it but always have at least one book on the go.

  15. Hi! New follower from UBP~I love photography too, I just wish I had more time to learn how to really get full use of my DSLR :) I'll be back to read more!


  16. I’m stopping by from the UBP13. Ooooo... twins! You are a busy mama!! I hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.


Shower me with your wit, your wisdom, or your funny stories! And please leave an email address if you would like a reply.