Monday, October 03, 2011

Birthday Time!

Friday was my dad's birthday.  We went up to have dinner and celebrate.  I had made my inaugural run to Costco and got home way late so poor Noah had to be woken up from his nap at 5:30 to go and we were of course late.  But I did manage to get the cake in the oven while we were eating dinner! 

Pineapple Upside Down cake of course! 
(and yes, that is a dog bone in my son's hand and yes, he did try to eat it at one point)

I believe this was his reaction to Papa telling him NOT to eat the dog bone.

And the saga of the cake... because it had just been in the oven while we were eating it was still warm.  I put the candles in, but then realized that Annika wasn't there yet so we were waiting before we sang.  Some time later when I did go to light them they were all leaning over funny... I pulled one out to fix it and realized that the entire bottom half was missing... melted into the cake!  So we managed to get them to stand up long enough to sing, but then we had to eat around the wax in the cake... good thing I didn't put in as many as his age or there would have been no good cake left to eat!  And what a waste of cake that would have been!

Happy Birthday Daddy, here's to many more with equally goofy things happening!


  1. Hehe! Thanks for sharing... I'm always so encouraged that other mamas do stuff like this, too!

    I had to laugh and laugh at your son and the dog bone after posting the Did I Say It to My Child or My Dog? game tonight. I read this AFTER that and couldn't help but think "Quit chewing on that bone!" is the perfect game entry.

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    These pictures are so great. Noah is such a hambone! I love him!


  3. nice photo of your kids and his grandpa, worth framing


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