Friday, January 14, 2011

National Delurking Day

So, apparently I almost missed the boat!  Today is National Delurking Day!
Don't ask my why it's today or who actually made this up... but I think it's a great idea!  I know some of you who read my blog and never comment *coughNotNamingNamescough*, but I also know that I get hits from 800 different locations around the world and over 1500 actual hits a month.  Who are you people and where are you from???

Enquiring minds want to know!  So please leave a comment, even anonymously if you wish, and at least tell me where you're from and perhaps why you like reading here!  And if you do leave your blogger profile I can then come visit you!

Happy Delurking!


  1. Hi Krista! I read regularly and am happy to "know" you. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I am Mohamad
    I'm in Iran and read your blog for make my English better. I looked for a good blog two days ago and found yours at first.
    Our blog is in persian language but I give you our address as you sayed. Please forgive me if I wrote English bad.

  3. Yes, I'm always curious who is lurking around my place as well.

    Well. You know who I am but I'll comment again anyway! =D

  4. I'm curious, too! LOL I've wanted to post that before to see who my hits are from. =)

  5. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Went to college with you and somehow on facebook or something I found your site. Now I check it everyday.


Shower me with your wit, your wisdom, or your funny stories! And please leave an email address if you would like a reply.