I have pastored the Mayfair-Plymouth Congregational Church of Toledo, Ohio since 1975, having just celebrated 33 years at the church. You can check out the church at http://www.mayfairplymouth.org/. You can also visit me at my blog, where I add material about every other day or so.
I enjoy photography, that's why I'm treating you with a different photo of mine each week on the web site. Over three hundred of my photos are for sale at www.istockphoto.com.
I'm also a ventriloquist, of sorts, and treat the children of my church with a "visit with Ricky" every third Sunday of the month in the morning worship services.
Raising white homing pigeons is another of my hobbies. I enjoy watching them soar overhead.
That's just a little bit about me. Thanks for visiting. God bless you!

Kathryn's Fountain celebrates the gifts that the generations can bring to each other. The conclusion is a resounding affirmation that it's never too late to make a difference.
Kathryn's Fountain was a pretty fast read and it's not a long book, but it definitely is one of those books that stays with you. At first it requires a bit of suspension of belief, but by then end of the book I was having a hard time wondering if it wasn't actually true or not! The mark of a good story teller!
Kathryn is an old woman and the story is told from her perspective. It made an interesting read for me also to consider life from the end of life time. Our society doesn't focus on family as much anymore and it made me realize how fragmented we can be, only hanging out with people our own age. I really liked this book!
If you would like to read an excerpt from Kathryn's Fountain, go HERE
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