But the problem is that my friend, Dahlia, told me it had been cold. Like as cold as where we are cold. So while I did bring one pair of shorts for Cory, I only had long pants, and a lot of long sleeve shirts! And then it warmed up...
But we had fun anyway!
Well, except for the fact that Cory got throwing up sick the 2nd day we were there and then got a nasty cold. :(
But it was a good time to relax and hang out with a friend that I don't get to see much and really actually don't know that well (since she was a friend of Brian's).
I think the best part of Cory's week there (other than having 3 full time playmates!) was the slide! the slide! in the room where he and I slept.

These friends have pomegranate trees (bushes?) out in front of their house. There were seriously hundreds of pomegranates left when we were there! (and just the other day I was in the store and they are $3.49 a piece!!!)

I learned that I don't really like straight pomegranates. The juice is okay mixed, but not straight. It just tastes too much like a vegetable! A bit "grassy".
Cory and I borrowed a car and drove down to Prescott to meet up with my cousin and her husband. She's enough older than me that I never connected with her when I was a kid. And the last time I spent any significant time with her I was 9! So it was a bit weird to hang out with her having this family connection, but not really knowing her as an adult. Good though!
Cory and I borrowed a car and drove down to Prescott to meet up with my cousin and her husband. She's enough older than me that I never connected with her when I was a kid. And the last time I spent any significant time with her I was 9! So it was a bit weird to hang out with her having this family connection, but not really knowing her as an adult. Good though!

Cory's having a fruit loops snack before dinner in our hotel room.
This was the lamest hotel ever. It was run by an Indian family and there were signs ALL OVER THE PLACE about various things that just made me feel like they were afraid they were going to get ripped off. Not welcoming at all. And the breakfast was disgusting! (precooked egg patties anyone?)

We went to Red Lobster for dinner, yum! I had never actually been and I got endless shrimp. Oh, it was heaven!
The next morning we actually went out for breakfast (where Cory managed to squeeze a jam packet hard enough that it burst - all over me!) and then to the Heritage Park Zoo.
I was so excited that the first creature we saw was my buddy, the Pisote!
The next morning we actually went out for breakfast (where Cory managed to squeeze a jam packet hard enough that it burst - all over me!) and then to the Heritage Park Zoo.
I was so excited that the first creature we saw was my buddy, the Pisote!

These guys are camp robbers extraordinaire! I learned that the hard way when I was in Costa Rica. They're awfully cute though. Kind of a tropical version of raccoons.

Cory was growling and saying bear. I think this was his favorite animal. When we walked away he was still asking for the bear!

After this Cory and I headed back to Kingman and of course the check engine light came on. Thankfully we made it back just fine and were able to check it the next day. Not a major issue that need immediate attention!
More to come... Route 66 and some spiders...
I'm always amazed at how kids can get up the slide in socks. They are just determined! Sounds like it was a great visit!