Not quite. See, there's this organization called Soles4Souls whose mission is: to impact as many lives as possible with the gift of shoes.
Right now they've got a little challenge going on... 50,000 pairs in 50 days.
Fifty Thousand.
Seems like a huge number, right? But consider this.
Each pair of shoes only costs 2.50. That's two dollars and fifty cents.
So, for less than the price of your favorite coffee shop drink you could give someone a pair of shoes. Maybe someone who's never owned a pair of shoes in their life.
I know times are tough. But would you consider giving up one or two drinks this week to give someone a pair of shoes? You never know how that might change their life!

And... they'll be choosing one person who donates to go on a trip with them to Mexico to see just how these shoes can impact lives! Wouldn't that be an amazing trip?
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