Friday night my parents came down to watch Cory so we could go see Prince Caspian. Yay! It was awesome! With some great special effects, too!
We got caught on our "date" by a friend from church and her mom! Some date as we went directly to the movie and directly home due to the fact that it was showing across the river and was a 2 hour plus movie! Definitely worth it though!
I don't usually like suspenseful movies (and the first half really was), but since I already knew the good guys win it was bearable... :)
Saturday I spent most of my day making Cory some curtains! His room is on the north side, but since it's summer the sun peaks in first thing in the morning and I'm not really ready to get up at 6am (or earlier). Curtains to the rescue! And I just could not resist this adorable space fabric!

He was a bit scared of them I think because he was pointing and crying the first time I put him down. But we let him play with the fabric and he's fine now.
Saturday night my mom called and asked if we wanted to go help her pick out a puppy on Sunday... what she really wanted was for Cory to help pick out the puppy!

My parents are now the proud owners of a little girl Golden Retriever puppy. I don't know if she has a name yet... And this isn't the puppy we picked out because she laid there and slept the entire time we were there. But that did make it easy to put Cory down and let him approach her on his terms. He thought it was hilarious and was cackling up a storm!
Today was a lazy day (seriously I did not get dressed until 3pm!) and then we went to a BBQ at a friend's house for dinner. 6 boys ages 4 and under... fun times! The older boys played in the water and made a mud puddle/mud pies. The yard was tiered so it was easy to keep Cory out of it as I was kind of afraid he would fall in and I also didn't have any extra clothes with me!
This was Cory's version of helping Daddy read in bed this morning...

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend!
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