People keep asking me if I miss my children being little. No, no I don't. I like them just the way they are right now. I will admit it IS pretty crazy that the twins are five now, but looking back at these
posts from when they were
born feels like a lifetime ago.
I just went to my brother and sister-in-law's baby shower on Saturday for their first baby. It will be fun to have a baby niece nearby, but I guarantee you I'm not one of those people who always has to be the first in the room to hold the baby.
Anyway, the girls are SO looking forward to having a baby cousin nearby since they aren't getting a little sibling.
Some days I get kids that will smile for a picture, some days I don't. These were taken a few weeks back when I needed portraits to submit for something and the lighting was just right in my dining room.
You'd never guess from these pictures, but Joy is quite the silly bug. I guess it just depends on the mood by day (or hour). And really she was being quite cooperative for these pictures, which I didn't really want silly!
She is very independent and knows what she wants and why. Or where. Or how. I think she's going to be a bit particular, a little like her oldest brother. Things have an order to them. In this she also follows directions very well and has learned how to color quite neatly within the lines. She's very proud of that skill.
At times like this I struggle a little to come up with ways they are different. They each have their own personality for sure, but they like to do most of the same things and are together almost 24/7. So for as much as developmentally kids go through things at roughly the same ages, that's what we have here. If we ever wonder if they are identical I think this always reminds me that they most likely are. (No, we haven't had them tested, but it's highly likely that they are)
Poor Hope is my toothless girl. After these were taken she even had to have one more on the top removed from the trauma a year ago because it had gotten infected as well. She does pretty good at crazy 5am dentist visits and isn't too traumatized by the actual events.
She goes about her days singing quietly almost all the time. And always reminds Daddy when he forgets his glasses before leaving for school.
They go back and forth being clingy still when I leave them at preschool, but away from me I hear that Hope is a bit more reserved. It's like if she knows I am in the vicinity she is fearless. But even sometimes in the grocery store she will hide her face from someone we know. We're still working on not just running away ahead of Mama though.
For the most part though, these are THE most outgoing (and loud) children you've ever met. They will hug anyone I even have a casual conversation with!
For all their clinginess in the mornings I think they are really enjoying preschool. They're learning their letters and numbers and at their conferences last week I was surprised to find they can each count almost up to 50 without missing a number!
We have lots of interesting conversations in the car about the weather and the things we see as we drive to and from school and all around town for errands. One really cool part about having cousins living on the other side of the world is this giant wall map at church where we can point out every week where they live. And where my penpal Amy lives. And where Sweden is that Mommy went to 18 months ago. I love geography so it's really fun that they like it too.
The twin bond is still very strong between these two. They do occasionally do things apart from each other, but more often than not you will find them doing the same things. If one is coloring, the other will eventually join in. If one is playing with the dollhouse, very soon the other will be there too. In some ways, when Noah (usually) plays with one of them that introduces competition into the relationship. They do have their squabbles, but for the most part they get along better than most siblings I've seen.

The last time we went to the doctor they had reached the 85th percentile on the growth charts. For being at the 25th percentile when they were born they've caught up and passed "average" for kids their age. I'm not surprised since the rest of us aren't small either. It will be fun to see if they continue to stay in this range or even get farther ahead of the growth curve like the boys are. They continue to stay very even with each other although Joy is slightly heavier (she eats more!) and has a half size bigger feet. Joy: 48 pounds, about 44 1/2 inches and size 12 shoes. Hope: 45 pounds, about 44 1/2 inches and size 11 1/2 shoes.
I love these girls and can't wait to see what they do and become as they get older!